The Joy Board

In the past few years I've heard several people talk about how God has given them a "word" for the year. I had never experienced this myself though and didn't think much more on the matter.

Until this year.

I didn't ask for it.
I wasn't seeking it out.
I wasn't praying that God would give me my very own word.

But He did.
When I wasn't expecting it.

And wow - I DID need the word He gave me.
I do still.
Every day. Every moment.

It was a simple whisper to my heart.
A gentle hand on my shoulder, with a squeeze of love.
A 3-letter love note.
Love word.


A beautiful flutter in my heart.
Did God just give ME a word for the year?
And what a word.

I immediately went over to my Pinterest account and created a new board.
I called it "The Joy Board".

Full of reminders of joy that I can quick-reference when I need to remember.
~When my day isn't going too well.
~When there are struggles in relationships.
~When there are struggles in finances.
~When there are struggles in parenting.
~When there are struggles in self-worth.
~When there are struggles in drawing near to the One whose gift is JOY.

I'm on a bit of a joy journey now. Searching His Word, His promises, His heart, His character.

Psalm 16:11 says ~ "... in your presence is fullness of joy ..." (ESV)

So into His presence I go.
Finding joy.


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