Diamonds in the Snow

God sprinkled diamonds in the snow last night.

He held millions of tiny jewels in His palm and then shook His wrist ever so gently.

They tumbled off His hand and landed so perfectly into the white terrain.

So perfectly that they created a carpet of glitter throughout my back yard.

The incandescent, round lamp in the sky highlighted these precious gems from heaven.

I paused.

Only the Creator of all things could sprinkle such a sight on a cold winter's night.

Only the Creator of all things would care enough to give me this gift.

Only the Creator of all things would know how it put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart.

It gave me pleasure.

It was beauty.

It was a gift.

I think God Himself smiled upon seeing my little piece of joy over His simple act of diamonds in the moonlight. I think He rejoices when we see His actions and acknowledge His omnipotence.

It's amazing how One who has infinite power and authority, will still enable His child to have the gift of a smile over something so seemingly simple.

So, I say thank you God.

Thank You for the gift of beauty in nature. In Your creation.

Thank You for the gift of a smile during a time in life where stress abounds and the unknown lurks around the corner.

Thank You for the gift of praise that we can offer to the Giver of life.

"Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises.
     Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds." (1 Chronicles 16:9, NLT)


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