Woman of Wonder

When I was a child, there was a woman on t.v. with whom I was fascinated. She would spin around and transform before my eyes. Whenever we would play "superhero" as kids, I would always want to be her.
Needless to say, when the movie came out in 2017, I was excited. I was curious. An actress named Gal Gadot had the esteemed privilege of becoming a super hero icon, a privilege envied by many.
Wonder woman.
She was a paradigm of strength. A model of honest character. A symbol of good.
We see her as a wonderful being. Full of amazing attributes.
We wonder at her otherworldliness and superhuman abilities.

It is one thing to be Wonder Woman.
Indulge yourself for a moment. You would have strength and power in any circumstance. You would wield the lasso of truth, holding great influence in your hands. Beauty and strength would be your signature. You would be praised by and inspire awe in those who witnessed your actions or heard of them by word of mouth. People would wonder about you. And wish to be like you.

It's another thing to be a woman of wonder.
Where confidence and strength are found in relationship with Jesus.
Where power resides from the Holy Spirit living within.
Where beauty is something that exists because we are God's cherished and beloved children.
Where praise is turned back to the One who truly deserves it.
Where inspiration comes from living the life of knowing to Whom you belong.
That is where power and strength originate.
That is where beauty shines through in its purest form.
And people would see Jesus in you.
And they would want to be like Him.
A woman of wonder points to her Savior.
A woman of wonder marvels at His glory.
A woman of wonder longs to seek His heart.
A woman of wonder loves Him deeply.
A woman of wonder stands in awe at the One who breathes His own character into hers. 

I just bought a t-shirt. I'm not typically someone who likes to wear t-shirts with logos on them, but this one I couldn't resist. The Wonder Woman emblem graces the front of the shirt. It is a fan-club statement, no doubt, but it is also a statement of the reminder of things that are good, true, and pure. And of the fact that I am a woman of wonder. 

I believe there is an army of us out there, who could rival the Amazons. 
The King's daughters.
The princess-warriors.
The loving servants.
The willing worshipers.
We are the women of wonder.


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