Pilate's Sign

 Image result for sign above Jesus' cross

"What is truth?"
A question from a man who knew enough to make a profound statement of truth shortly after posing the question.
A governor asks a King.
A Roman asks a Jew.
A decision-maker asks a solution-giver.
A lost soul asks a life-saver.

"What is truth?"
It's a loaded question.

Pilate. Roman governor. Faced with addressing and charging a man of a crime.
Jesus. Jewish man. Son of God. King of another kingdom.
Pilate. Found no guilt in the accused. Was pressured to sentence a man to death.
Jesus. Innocent. Born to bring truth into the world.
Pilate. Had to do his job. Was expected to deliver, even when he didn't agree.
Jesus. Fulfilled his purpose. Delivered salvation.

"What is truth?"
Pilate was truly curious. (John 18:38)
Jesus was truly the answer.
"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6, NIV)

Pilate wondered why the Jews of the time wanted to crucify their king. 
They claimed that they had no king.
Jesus stated He was the King.
Pilate referred to Him as King, repeatedly.
Despite the argument from the Jewish leaders.
"Here is your king!" (John 19:14)
"What? Crucify your king?" (vs.15)

And then, there was this beauty ~
Pilate made a sign.
He posted it over Jesus as He hung on the cross and this is what it said:

"Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."

A truth statement.
The Jewish leaders told Pilate to change the sign to say, "He said, I am the King of the Jews." (vs.21)
But Pilate denied them. He replied, "What I have written, I have written. It stays exactly as it is." (vs.22)

The man who asked, "What is truth?" makes a visual proclamation in three languages (Hebrew, Latin and Greek; vs. 20) so that many people could read the sign.
Many people reading truth.
Because truth cannot be denied.
Because truth ... is true.
It just always is.

It stays exactly as it is.

Jesus. King of the Jews. King of truth. King of love. King of a heavenly kingdom. King of my heart. King of the world. King above all others.

the state of being true
1. in accordance with fact or reality ~ a true story
2. accurate or exact ~ a true depiction
(*definitions from Google search dictionary)


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