Known in the Unknown

She got off the bus and swung her backpack over her shoulders. Never being in this place before, she felt lost and somewhat disoriented. One little voice on her shoulder told her to get back on that bus and head home. Where it was safe. Where it was familiar. Where purpose and vision were clear.
The the little voice resting on the opposite shoulder told her to take another step. Then another. And another. To step away from what was familiar. And to move into the unknown.
She lifted her pack and stepped forward. Soon she came to the edge of a forest. It was dense and quiet. A shiver of fear ran down her spine. A well-traveled path led into the depths of foliage and turned out of her view. Taking a deep breath, she wandered onto the trail.
Every foot-fall had taken her deeper, and soon the edge of the forest was well behind her. She looked back and in that brief moment her foot caught a tree root that crossed her path. She fell down, landing on her knees, her wrists feeling the shock of impact. An item fell out of her bag and rolled down a nearby slope, lost to her reach.
She rose to her feet, brushing dirt off of her hands.
Her bag felt a little lighter. She had cram-packed it with things she depended on. But a loss was felt. And it was easier. Feeling more confident, she continued.
A little way farther down the path, she faced a river. She could see that the path curved around and crossed the river a distance away, but the bridge that hung over the river was broken and she decided it would be better to cross at this point where the water didn't seem too deep. Maneuvering herself carefully down the bank that led to the river's edge she wasn't sure she was strong enough to do this. Then her bag shifted when a branch snagged the fabric, tearing a small hole in its side. Something else fell out of the bag as she slipped in the mud and slid into the water.
She waded through the mucky water and crossed to the other side, feeling accomplished. She'd take the loss of her possession with a shrug. Her bag was lighter still now, and she was discovering that while she thought she needed these things, her load was lessening in her journey.
Wet feet padded the soft mulch of forest floor. A flicker of sunlight beamed through the branches above her head and disappeared quickly with the breeze brushing against the leaves. Onward she went.
Thoroughly immersed in the unknown place.
She was hungry now. Somewhere she had read about safe plants to eat for survival and she guessed at a snack. Could the berries on the bush beside her be good to eat? Removing her bag from where it was perched on her shoulder, she assessed the contents, realizing that more than a couple things had fallen out. Crouching on her haunches, she looked around and felt small. Trees towered over her. Birds flew. They owned this place. She felt incapable of living here. She felt alone and unknown.
Yet, with a small amount of courage, she stood in the awareness that she had to keep going.
She followed a bend in the pathway only to discover a pair of miniature eyes staring up at her. A chipmunk sat there, cheeks full and head cocked. After a wag of his tail, he bounded ahead of her, stopping every once in a while to glance back at her. As if checking to see if she was pursuing him. They became hiking partners for the rest of the walk and she smiled. It was comforting to have someone along for the journey.
Thus they traveled as the forest thinned, and sunlight brightened the day. Her bag was hardly noticeable anymore, emptied as it was.
Her heart too.
For it is wiser to travel the road without choosing to take hindering burdens.
She had lost a few things that she had always depended on, not realizing the weight they imposed.

Fear rolled away.
Inadequacy tore off.
Unworthiness flew.
Unknown became known.

With an empty bag, she was ready to receive. She had to lose in order to gain. She had to empty in order to fill.

Confidence replaced fear.
Courage replaced inadequacy.
Value replaced unworthiness.
Known replaced unknown.

Sometimes in the unknown place, we fall down, we empty ourselves, only to discover true love, faith, hope. Only to discover the One who is greater than we are; the One who takes our burdens; the One who lifts us up when we fall; the One who gives light to the dark path and the Holy Spirit to lead the way ~ the God who loves beyond all understanding, reassuring us that no matter what, we matter. He holds our hand. He pulls us through. His love is trustworthy for our journey.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine ... to Him be the glory ..." (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)

So each of us can say,

Even when I stand in the unknown, I still know ... I. Am. Beloved.


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