I Heard a Lion Roar


I once heard a lion roar. 

I was at a zoo, looking at the elephants, I believe. Or monkeys. I really don't remember. 
But I do remember the thundering noise.  
It stopped me in my tracks.
It made my head jerk upwards and look around.
It made me wonder.
What was that awesome, terrifying, powerful sound?

A lion from on the other side of the zoo property had roared.

So some interesting facts about that ~ 
- a lion's roar can be heard from eight kilometers (five miles) away
- a lion roars to scare off the enemy
- a lion roars to protect the pride by using his voice as a warning 
- a lion roars to show others that this is his territory and his pride
- a lion's roar is a display of its power

And so the lion roared.

It had my heart pumping a little faster.
Something in that sound held authority. 
It spoke of a power stronger than my own. 
It made me stop and stand in awe. 
It gave me shivers up and down my spine.
Because I didn't even have to see the lion. 
I didn't even have to know it was a lion.
I didn't even have to touch the lion.
The lion roared regardless of how I perceived things. 

I feel like sometimes we lose hope.
Sometimes when we can't see things, it's hard to believe them. 
Sometimes when things in the world get so cluttered and crazy, we don't see clearly.
Wars, rumours of wars, backward politics, hate, racism, sexism, the twisting of truth, the blindness of lies, viruses.
It's all so connected. It's all a great stirring of the pot. 
And like when the lion roared at the zoo, even while I didn't see him, or know at first that it was a lion's roar that I was hearing, and even though I couldn't touch him, and fear instantly made its way into my heart as it beat a little faster ... it didn't stop the lion from roaring. 

I heard a Lion roar.
His roar is loud.
His roar makes the enemy tremble.
His roar protects His people.
His roar marks His territory.
His roar displays His power.
He does not sit idle. 
He sees.
He hears.
He pursues.
His voice is full of authority and power.
His voice is wrapped in Kingship.
His voice is the true voice, the voice that echoes, thunders, splits and shatters mighty trees, strikes with lightning bolts, makes deserts quake. 
The Lion of Judah rules.
He reigns as King forever.
He roars. He thunders.
He lets us know that ultimately His voice is the one that matters. 
(Read Psalm 29 for a boost of encouragement and stand in awe of the sovereignty of God.)

"The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the mighty sea. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty."
(Psalm 29:3-4, NLT)


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