Eyes on the Shepherd

I went for a walk the other night.
All was calm.
There were several houses that still had Christmas lights turned on.
No one else was out.
It was so peaceful and quiet.
And I was thinking, as I often do.
Thinking about the mess of our world.
Somewhat distressed by what I've been seeing about the happenings in the U.S.A. lately. Well, this whole year. Somewhat distressed by what is happening in my own country too. 
And then the thoughts extended to what has happened in the world in the past year.
Of people getting the dreaded virus, and dying.
Of people hating on other people so much, for having a different opinion than they had.
Of people hating on other people so much, because of ridiculous selfishness and pride. 
Of people being locked down, locked up.
My heart breaks for the suffering ones. 
While lockdown can be a time of regrouping, rebuilding, spending time with family, making lemonade out of lemons, and all that ... for some it's a time of hellish moments. Because the move to stop sickness and death from one thing creates sickness and death from another. Choose your evil. 
And people have no idea.
This goes way beyond the virus. 
So much damage.
So much pain. 
So much danger. 

My thoughts were becoming words of hopelessness and fear.

And then God whispered.

"Eyes on the Shepherd, little lamb. Eyes on the Shepherd."

That's all; and peace. 
A picture in my mind formed of a meadow, with a flock of sheep wandering, nibbling, doing their thing. 
Except for one.
The one that was with the Shepherd.
The Shepherd was smiling, reaching a hand out to that lamb. Beckoning. Bringing that little lamb into an intimate moment. 
And that lamb knew.
It didn't look to its left or to its right. 
It walked straight to the Shepherd. 
It didn't turn and run to be with the other sheep.
It walked straight to the Shepherd.
It didn't fear the walk through the meadow.
It walked straight to the Shepherd.

All the while, it kept its eyes on the Shepherd.

The Shepherd laughed. He exuded joy.
The Shepherd's strong hand stroked the head of the lamb, reassuring.
The Shepherd's finger-tipped the lamb's chin and nudged it upward.
The Shepherd's eyes locked onto the lamb's.

"Eyes on the Shepherd, little lamb. Eyes on the Shepherd."

Don't look to the left. 
Don't look to the right. 

Hook your eyes on the Shepherd. 
He's the one with the staff.


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