Warrior Pose

This picture.
I see a warrior.
I see strength.
I see weariness.
I see hope.

A warrior. She is in a battle she didn't ask for. She didn't want to be in it. But she engages. And it is hard.
She wears her armor, knowing it will protect her.
But wounds still happen in vulnerable places.
Cuts still slice and hurt.
Damage is done and scars are left.

She stands her ground though and forges on, trusting her commander.
When he says, go, she goes.
When he says stay, she stays.
When he says, come, rest, she obeys.
When he says, trust me, she learns to trust.
When he says, have faith, she leans in.
When he says, "Let me take this one," she lifts her eyes to his, and knows.
She knows he is trustworthy and strong.
That he can handle the battle.
That he can stare down the enemy, and say straight to his face, "Don't mess with my warrior."
That his word and his uprightness are dependable and have victory.

She stands in strength.
Her arms lift the sword.
Her legs hold her up, taking a stance of surety.
Her feet keep her grounded, steady on solid rock.
Her heart beats, quickly as the battle rages.
Her eyes cry tears as she faces the foe, yet remain focused on the task.
She is strong.
She is gentle.
She sees the enemy for what he is.
She sees the commander for who he is.
She knows when to drop to her knees.
She recognizes weariness.
She knows she needs the strength of the commander to flow through and empower her.
And she knows that by falling to her knees, hands grasping the hilt, the sword in-ground, head bowed and eyes closed, that her commander sees humility.

She bows in weariness.
Her heart is broken, her mind is spinning.
The battle is hard.
The enemy surrounds her.
Her muscles ache.
Her body shakes.
She feels she can't go on.
She bends down in humility, weak, yet knowing, just knowing.
She waits for the commander.

He comes.
He places his hand on her shoulder.
He touches his finger to her chin, and tips it up.
She looks into his face.
And he smiles.
Because he knows. He just knows.
He knows his warrior.
He knows her strengths. Her fears. Her weaknesses. Her desires.
And he smiles.
For he knows how the battle goes, and how it ends.
And hope pours out of his face.
And he says, "I will provide."

This warrior pose is THE warrior pose. The posture of knowing. The posture of humility. The pose of prayer. A pose of honour, of respect.

The warrior on her knees before her commander.
This picture.
I see a warrior.
I see strength.
I see weariness.

I see hope.


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