Enough ... is enough

I got teary in a store a little while ago.
It is a store where every time I have browsed, the staff is friendly. Not only are they friendly, they are helpful. Understanding. Tender-hearted.
'Cause being a girl is tough.
No matter the age you're at.
Trying on clothes, inspecting the options.
How many magazines; how many television shows and movies; how many advertisements; how many fitness programs; how many people's glances or comments; how many of our own self-talk moments ... how many does it take for us to believe the lies that are attached to all of these?
It usually doesn't take much.
And how many of these things have positive impacts?
Not many.
Lies and hurts come more easily.
And we get caught up in them too easily.

So, I went into this store and tried on some clothes.
Finding some super comfortable pants gave me great excitement.
And as I faced the mirror to take a look at how they fit me, I saw some words that someone had written with a black marker.
Simple truth.

"You are enough."




How many times do we see pictures or hear talk about how valuable we are? Of how important we are? Of how special we are? Of how funny, smart, or interesting we are? Of how we matter because there is something phenomenally fantastic inside of us?

We are valuable because of who we are, not because of how we appear.
The big problem is finding out who we are.
Because most of us don't know.
We don't think beyond the outside shell and go into the deep places.
We don't acknowledge what our souls know.

That we are beloved and treasured, because of Whose we are.

You are enough because the One who is Creator-God, Father-God, Saviour-God, made you, cherishes you, loves you.



I think it's time we start to say, enough is enough.

Enough belittling others and ourselves for what we look like.
Enough believing lies about ourselves.
Enough placing such value on how a person appears.

And it's time we start to say that enough really is ... enough.

All that you are, in the depths, in the good places, in your created inner being ~ the valuable places; all that you are meant to be, all that you were created to be ~ is enough.

You are enough.

And some music to reiterate the message:

Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams

You Say by Lauren Daigle

Who You Say I Am


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