She Is

Ugly. Unwanted.
Inadequate. Hopeless.
Belittled. Unloved.

She wore those words on her body as a covering.
She hung her hope on them daily.
They welcomed her when her feet hit the floor in the morning.
They hung out with her through the afternoon.
They slept with her at night.
They were little demons that sat on her shoulder and whispered into her ear. Their claws dug into her mind and her heart.
They captured her, rendering her defeated. Trapped.
They filled her coffer.

In a moment of brokenness, she went on a treasure hunt. A search for something that would offer a remedy for despair. 

She opened her Bible.

Her eyes immediately fell to the words as if guided. She could not pull her gaze away. And she found the first gem to put in her box.

"O God, take up my cause!" (Ps.43:1, NLT)
 ~ She wiped a tear, and her heart cried out, "Yes, Lord!"

Her eyes were then drawn to the next precious stone.
"If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me and Your strength will support me." (Ps.139:9-10, NLT)
 ~ She smiled slightly as hope began to rise.

Like a child being lead by her father, her sight fell upon another sparkling jewel.
"The Lord will work out His plans for my life. For Your faithful love, oh Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me. You made me." (Ps.138:8, NLT)
 ~ She grinned as warmth spread through her body; she felt hugged.

She looked and her heart leapt as she saw the next words.
"I will give thanks to Your Name, for Your unfailing love and faithfulness, because Your promises are backed by all the honour of Your Name." (Ps.138:2, NLT
 ~ And she knew she was standing in the presence of Majesty.

The treasure hunt revealed a few things:
 ~ First there was a cry out to her God; a plea to His loving nature.
 ~ Then a statement of faith and trust in Him; even while pain still lingered.
 ~ Next there was a reminder of who He is.
 ~ After that, her heart was filled with a declaration of thanks.

And so her treasure chest was filled.
Little by little, those words of darkness began to fall off of her. Their grip loosened.
They were replaced with new words.

Beautiful. Desirable.
Equipped. Hopeful.
Encouraged. Loved.

And this girl? ~ She is a neighbour on the street; she is a friend; she is the lady at the gym; she is a mom; she is the single woman at the grocery store; she is the pastor's wife; she is your sister.
She is real and present. She is a cherished daughter of the King.
And He speaks life over her. 
Because she is a priceless jewel to Him. 


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