The Show

My magnolia is just about finished its pink-bloom performance.
The last of the tulips are doing their curtain call.
Trees have exploded with leaves in the past few days as rain has poured out of the heavens, following the spring script.
Summer is on the verge of stepping onto the stage.
So I went to the beach.
And this is where the profoundly spectacular show occurs.
The show that surpasses all shows.
After wiggling toes in the cool sand, and wandering to the shoreline where waves were rolling over each other fighting for the chance to hit the beach first, I moved to a wooden deck along the boardwalk.
I sat with my dog in a front row seat.
And we watched.
I sat in awe.
From the blue sky that reached out and vanished into space and beyond the known, to the lullaby of the waves that hit the shore. From the wisps of cloud that remained after a heavy rain an hour before, to the round bonfire in the sky, dropping lower into the horizon, into the wisps, turning them purple, pink and orange.
Beach sunset.
And I thought, "Wow, God. You did this too. And if You did this mind-blowing scene, which no human ever could create, then You can do anything."
The sky is not the limit.
There is no limit.
God is able.
Again, I was humbled. Humbled by the fact that Someone greater than myself had orchestrated this scene that played out before my eyes. Humbled by the fact that my heart's response was awe.
I did not want to leave.

Beautiful scenes unfold around us every day on life's stage. I think too often we get caught up in the intermission that we forget to process the show that we can observe. Sometimes we neglect to take our seats again to continue watching the next act. And the usher needs to take us by the elbow, gently leading us back, whispering to us, "Please sit down. The show is about to resume and you don't want to miss this. It's a good one." He winks and squeezes our arm tenderly as he faithfully turns to lead the next wandering person back to their place.

Enjoy the show.
Praise the Script-writer.
Rest in the knowing that the show was written for you.

"The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known.
They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world." (Ps. 19:1-4, NLT)


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