When the I AM tells me who I am

Okay. So here's the thing.
God does really do some cool things. Some mysterious things. Some obvious things.
And sometimes some things that just seem a little strange.
His Word tells me all kinds of things about myself ~ I am loved, I am created, I am chosen, I am forgiven, I am royalty ... and the list goes on. Which is quite beautiful. He deeply loves His creation, His image-bearers.
In the past few months, He has given me a few more words.
He has told me I am fluid.
He has told me I'm an ostrich.
And now?
I am a rock.
Why, you ask?
I asked too.
A rock is grey. It's hard. It's not very flattering. I was pretty sure I heard wrong. I was pretty sure my Father would call me a flower. Or a diamond. Or something else feminine or pretty. That's what I wanted to hear. Feel good words.
But ... He went deeper.
This was His answer to the "why?":

"You are a rock, and upon this rock, I will build my church."

Peter heard it first. Jesus said that to him in Matthew 16:18.
Apparently, it's for me too.
While I do not claim to be a person of Peter's, shall we say, caliber, I do have a previous connection with Peter. And this new rock-revelation just sheds some light onto a theme God was already working on in me over 20 years ago.
When I was a teenager, I did a public "profession of faith" in my church. The pastor asked questions, we answered "I do" and all was good. But my pastor also asked us to speak something personal as we stood in front of the congregation. I don't remember how it came to be - if I prepared a 'speech' at home or anything. But I do remember a little of what I said. And that I was probably crazy nervous. Afraid.
I said I was Peter.
In Matthew 14, the story is told of when the disciples were in a boat at night. A strong wind had risen up, causing large waves. They were in trouble. Probably a little worrisome at this point.
In the wee hours, Jesus came out to them, walking on the water. They were terrified, thinking it was a ghost. But, AT ONCE, Jesus said, "It's ok. I'm here. Don't be afraid." Peter called to Him, saying, "If it's really You, then tell me to walk out to you on the water."
So Jesus, says, "Ok. Come out."
Peter feels confident, steps out of the boat and onto the water, walking on the surface. He must have been feeling pretty good about himself. "Hey guys, look at me, walking on the water!" Oh. But, then. He took his eyes off of Jesus, saw the high waves, and remembered. Fear. And down he went, sinking into the depths. Crying out, "Save me, Lord!"
Jesus, immediately reached out His hand and grabbed Peter. "Why did you doubt, Peter?"
So. Here it is.
I am Peter.
I have fears. I have doubts. I sometimes challenge God, thinking maybe I know better, thinking I do things in my own strength and power. And that's when I take my eyes off of Him and start to sink.
Now here we are, all those years later, and God is calling me a rock. A rock upon which His church will be built.
At this time, only He knows exactly what that means.
But, if Peter learned anything from that night in the storm, he learned that he could trust Jesus.
Trust in the One who instantly says, "I AM here. Don't be afraid." The One who immediately reaches out His hand to grab hold of ours.
Peter and I, we have a couple thousand years between us, but we share something here.

I think it is pretty awesome, really, that the Great I AM has been telling me who I am.
In His timing. For His purpose. Within His plan.

So, I ask you, who does He say that you are?

(Thanks to Rachel who has helped me seek these things out. :) )


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