
I remember being in elementary school in grade seven and eight. Besides one other girl, I was the tallest in the class. She and I were the same height. I don't remember if it bothered her at all, but it bothered me. I sat in class, hunched over my desk, so I didn't feel so big.
Today, here I sit, hunched over my desk as I type.
Trying to remember to sit straight.
It's hard sometimes. Well, most of the time.
It's not comfortable. My muscles have become so weak in their ability to lift me up, that they instead find ease in curving me down.
Comfortable isn't easy, most of the time.

In doing some learning this past week, I read information on proper alignment of the body, for the sake of our health.
There is great physical benefit when our body parts are properly lined up. Beginning with the feet, through the knees and hips, the back, to our shoulders and neck. If all parts are set into right positions, our bodies move and function in the ways they were designed to, in order to perform daily tasks, from carrying a child, or groceries, to bending over as we make our beds. From sitting with a loved one to walking with them on the beach. If I am strong in body, I can do more, play more, move more, and feel good.
Proper alignment compliments our purpose.
It strengthens our ability to fulfill our purpose.

The same can be said for the alignment of spirit.
Who are we aligned with?
What attitudes of the heart are we aligned with?
What is the posture of my soul?

I've been thinking a lot about trees lately. Specifically, big trees. Their many limbs burst with life as green leaves blanket their surface. They provide shade, protection, and nourishment. The branches reach out into the sky, seeking the sunlight, basking in the glow. The tree's roots are set firm into the soil, allowing the trunk to flourish and grow strong and solid.
A healthy tree produces good fruit.
A healthy tree points to the heavens.

When I am aligned with God, I am a branch.

Jesus says, "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5, NLT)

When I am properly aligned, I point to the Creator, the Saviour.
My limbs point upwards to Him.
My heart, my core, rests solidly.
My roots become anchored in His love, His truth, His joy, His hope.

He has a purpose for me, for you. He has a call on each and every life.
Love God.
Love others.
Live in love.
Grow in love.
Produce the fruit that always gives, always nourishes, always satisfies, always hopes, always endures.
God is love ~ so we are branches that reach into the world, first tapping into the Source, then spreading into others.
God is who He says He is ~ so we are part of a great, great thing.
Deeply rooted in Him.
If we are aligned properly, we produce abundant fruit.
We can go forth, breathing life and light into a dark world that has blinders on.

So, now as I sit adjusting my posture at the desk, I remember how I need to daily adjust my posture in Christ.
Align my feet, planted firmly in the Word; my knees straight, hips following, legs ready to stand strong in hope, trust, faith; my back, set long and tall, with confidence in my Saviour; my shoulders and neck holding up my head as I gaze in wonder, in love, in awe, at the Lord of all creation.
I am tall and strong like a tree.
I am humbled, yet not diminished.

"For in Him we live, move, and have our being ... " (Acts 17:28, NIV)

"But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit." (Jeremiah 17:7, NLT)

Proper alignment strengthens our ability to fulfill our purpose.
Proper alignment compliments our purpose.


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