An Exercise in Conversation

I was introduced to an 'exercise' not too long ago.
No, not an exercise of the sore muscle, short-of-breath kind.
No shedding of pounds with this one.

More like shedding of hesitations and structures.
Definitely a more vulnerable feeling exercise.
Because what if I actually open myself up?
What if I actually reveal something I want buried?
What if I am frowned upon?
What if I feel I am no good?
What if I can't do it?

Here's the thing though.
This exercise did not involve just me.
When someone else is right there with you, the 'what-ifs' seem like mountains to be moved.
I am afraid.

Silly, really.
Because although this exercise had to involve someone else along with me, there was only One who could join in.
One who could walk me through it.
One who loves me enough not to condemn me.
One who can take the 'what-ifs' and command them to leave. Make them irrelevant.

So here it is.
How simple is that?
How ridiculous to be afraid of that.
Yet, it was a different, much more intimate way of prayer.

It started like this : "I belong to You, forever I belong to You."
A song that was playing in the background began with those words.
So did my prayer.
And then I continued a prayer, a discussion with God.
Me and Him.
It was actually a written prayer.
Words poured out onto the paper, out of my heart, to His.

And He responded.
I was open with Him, and His answer was this :

"I love you. You are a special daughter. I long for you to love Me and find rest in Me. Seek Me and find Me. Discover Me. Learn and know my character, for it is GOOD. There is no better friend than I AM. I AM He."

A simple message that packed a punch.
So, my exercise was not at all exhausting. It was restful.
A written, purposeful prayer.
A written, purposeful response.
A conversation with God.
An exercise for two.


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