Beyond Powder Puffs and Sparkles

I love the character of God.
I'm still learning about it.
         ~ Searching ~
         ~ Longing ~
         ~ Discovering ~
         ~ Praising ~

"Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds." (NLT)

David wrote this words in the fifth verse of Psalm 36.

Stunning images.

I can imagine David sitting on a rock in the shepherd's field, watching over his flock.
I can imagine his face turned upwards, his eyes absorbing the majesty above.

Wispy clouds painted delicately across the blue canvas of the sky.
Powder puffs and sunshine.
Even the approach of darkening streaks and lightning flashes probably left him in awe.

Then there is the night.
Stars tossed from the hand of God Himself.
Sparkles of light in the unfathomable depth of the heavens.

All majestic.
All overwhelmingly fascinating.

God's love ~ as vast as the heavens
God's faithfulness ~ beyond the clouds

So great.
So awesome.
David wrote some powerful words of truth.

God ~ Your faithfulness - Your unbroken, unconditional, unfettered love - is so great, huge, unfathomable; Your love and faithfulness reach beyond me, beyond self, beyond sin, surpassing all things. Even the heavens above.

I can only try to comprehend the meaning of this.
In Ephesians, it is written ~
                       "May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully
                                  understand it." (Eph.3:19a - NLT)

Another gem of truth ~
            "Faithfulness is Your very character." (Ps.89:8 - NLT)

God is ~ Love and Faithfulness.


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