Waiting for the Magnolia

One of my favorite plants in my garden is a Lily Magnolia. (I had to do some searching on the internet to figure out what species of Magnolia it is, so I think that's right! It's beautiful no matter what you call it.) Right now, it stands at about 4 feet high. When I bought it, the tag that was attached said it would grow to be about 6 feet in diameter and in height. So, it's not the typical Magnolia tree, but more of a large shrub. (Interesting, how I remember the size details listed on the tag, but not the name of the plant.) I want to take a picture of it and post it here, but it's not ready quite yet.

We had an unusually warm - hot, in fact - week in March when the life outside was tricked into thinking that it was time to shine. Perennials began to pop up out of the earth, leaf buds began to form, spring bulbs bloomed; all this was to the excitement of people who loved the summer-like weather. It was almost 30 degrees Celcius then! Normally we still have snow on the ground that is beginning to melt. It was a lovely shock to the system.

Fast forward a few weeks after that, and the Magnolia trees were in full bloom, showing their gorgeous display of white/pink flowers. I think they bloomed for a couple of days, and then we were hit with a heavy frost which left the Magnolias in the area reduced to the look of skeleton-like trees topped with dead, brown petals. What was once an exhibition of beauty and the promise of new life, these magnificent blossoms resembled the dreariness of a cold, dark, late-fall day.

This brings me back to the Magnolia in my front yard. It seems that my magnolia wasn't as eager to open its buds. The flowers were all snuggled inside the bed of the closed bud while my Magnolia's relatives around town were putting on their show. Just recently the buds have started to open. As far as I can tell, there is still life in there, and we will be granted a lovely viewing before long. I look forward to this every spring.

So, for now, I wait in anticipation. I am often amazed at the simple things in life that bring such joy.


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