
There has been an influx of butterflies here in this past week. Never have I noticed so many at once before! I hung laundry outside to dry the other day. At the end of the day I  brought it into the house and wasn't able to fold it for a couple of hours. When I began to empty out the basket, I noticed a butterfly hitting the light at the ceiling of the living room. Turning off the light, and turning on the outside light, I was able to lead the butterfly out the door. About 15 minutes later, the same thing happened, and this butterfly landed in a place where I could gently pick it up and bring it outside too. Another 15 minutes or so passed, and a third butterfly was banging against the lights. Again, I shut off the lights, led it into another room, and out the door. Since, then, they've been swooping past my face as I've been outside hanging laundry, playing basketball, and reading a book. I have discovered that they are Red Admirals. Lovely to see, even in my living room!

I love gardens, and flowers, but I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of bugs. It's not a big thrill for me to spot a grub or a worm. I don't get pleasantly excited at seeing a mosquito or a bee. Dragonflies - I love to behold. Butterflies - they're in.

As part of creation, they all play a role in the garden. Pollination occurs due to many of the little creatures I don't care for. The life cycle of other animals is dependent on others. Robins will go after the worms and grubs; bats will take care of the mosquitoes. (And bats are a whole other story! Outside, they're great; in my house, not so much!) It's all there ... a little jungle in my yard. Ladybugs, aphids, wasps, and caterpillars The good, bad and the ugly.

I just prefer the good and the beautiful!

And what a story the butterflies have! From a not-so-attractive worm-like creature, to a thing of intricate detail and beauty. From crawling on the ground, to flying free through the air. A changed creature. Oh, and how this can be (and is) our story too! We too can be transformed; made into the likeness of One so beautiful that beauty itself is too dull a word.

Ahhh, sweet butterflies. Make a home in my garden and stay for a while!


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