Return of the Birds

Today I saw several Canadian Geese flapping through the air. I wasn't sure if they were coming home, or if they had never left in the first place. You see, I live in a place that usually has snow from the end of November until sometime in March. We shout out a good-bye to the geese in the fall as we see them fly overhead, heading south to warmer climates, and we welcome them back with happy hearts come spring. These geese today, I'm not sure about. Maybe they wintered here. It wasn't the typical snowy, blowy winter. Jack Frost didn't hang around too much.

I've even heard reports of Robin sightings a few weeks ago. Definately not a bird usually seen in the cold and snow around here. We did get a bit of snow since they were seen, and I have to wonder how they managed. Were they able to find shelter? Were they warm enough? Were they able to find food?

Now as Spring is officially going to arrive in a few weeks, I look forward to seeing these lovely creatures every day. We'll wake up in the morning to an assortment of birds chirping their good-morning songs every day. Nests will be spotted in the lilac bush and spruce trees. Broken eggshells will rest on the ground below, evidence of the new life that has once again burst forth.

I love how every year without fail, we are witnesses to the new life. From the birds to the flowers that begin to poke out of the dirt. It's a great thing. I continue to marvel at creation, and the Creator who must have formed all these things with a satisfied smile on His face. For, as His Word says, "And God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." (Gen. 1:31)

Very good indeed.


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