
Did you hear that?
Did you feel it?
It is there.
At the core.
In the middle of all things.
In the mysterious place within.
I can hear the music.

The heavens declare the glory of God.
The rocks will even cry out.
Nature points to the Holy One and worships.

And whether I do or I don't, my heart still beats to the music of worship.
Every heart beats the same.

It's the foundational spark that resides in the deepest part of my soul.
It is at the nucleus of my being.
A twitter of beauty and awe.
It flutters inside and stirs things that are beyond my own understanding. Beyond my ability to fully grasp.
But it is there.
And I can't deny it.
Like I can't deny my own existence.

Nature rejoices.
And I find my own soul longing for more.
Longing for honouring and worshiping the Creator ~ the Father, the Saviour, the Spirit.

I've been the one who stood in the church pew. Stand up, sit down. Sing this verse, this chorus, this verse ... sing it this way, this many times ... sing only 3 songs, or maybe 5 .. sing only hymns ... sing contemporary ... sing with many styles of instruments ... sing only with organ ...

And so the church worships.
And so many times, misses the heartbeat.

When we limit worship, we limit God.
The thing is, God has no limits.
But we humans, oh, we do.
We control how worship is done. And we miss the beat.
We condemn others for not doing it our way. And we miss the beat.
We do it our way. And we miss the beat.

But the heartbeat still pulsates at the core. There is no stopping it. We cannot control it.
We can hide it, shove it down and out of the way, deny it.
But, the beat goes on.

I've been the one who didn't notice it. I've been the one who sang and followed rules of music.
And I've missed the heart of worship.
Praise God that He is a patient God! He has brought me to a place of longing for more of Him. My heart sees now. My music beat is loud and clear. I no longer have it muted.
And when that happens ~ let me tell you ~ you are changed.
Music worship. Changes. You.
It opens your ears to hear the beat.
It opens your eyes to see truth.
It opens your heart to have relationship with the God who loves you passionately.
And the best part?
It isn't even for us.
It is for God.
He built the heartbeat into our being ~ into every single human ~ and that's why we can't get rid of it. It is part of who we humans are.
Because we are His image, His masterpiece, His special design. His joy.
And music is so much a part of who He is, that it has to be a huge part of who we are.

When you decide to let go, to let God move, truly move, true music worship happens.
It isn't fluff. It isn't self. It isn't fake. It isn't about how pretty a tune is. It isn't about what instrument plays. It isn't about what you grew up with. It isn't about what the church says to do.
It is for Him. All about Him.
And we get to experience one of the most stunning things on this side of heaven.
Your soul is stirred. The beat of worship plays on.

At the the hub of the heart is worship.
A soul's longing to praise. To give honour. To give love. To give glory. To lift up. To acknowledge the greatness of God and the awe we have for Him.
Even if it is deep down unseen, it still resides there.

So I ask you, can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
Be still ... and know ...

"Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things." (Ps. 98:1, NIV)
"I will sing of your love and justice; to you, Lord, I will sing praise." (Ps. 101:1, NIV)
"For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made ..." (Rom. 1:20, NIV)
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." (Ps. 91:1, NIV)
" 'I tell you,' He replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out!" (Lk. 19:40, NIV)


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