Grocery Store Hope

I met someone in the grocery store today who shared HOPE.
We stood for about fifteen minutes in front of the cheese fridge and she told me about an experience her family had gone through years ago. Eighteen years ago, to be exact.
It was a horrible, difficult time of unexplained illness and pain. Doctors couldn't help. Medication couldn't help. Their life was drastically altered.
And in that time of struggle, they felt discouraged.
They felt worried.
There were many tears shed.
They felt desperation and fear.
They wondered why.
They wondered if it would ever get better.

They prayed.
They hoped.
They pursued.

In time, they met a woman to whom God had given the gift of healing.
And it was a game-changer.
God touched.
God moved.
God healed.
The woman didn't do it. She was just obedient to the gifting.
God healed and restored.
All credit and glory was and is given to Him.

And this lady in the grocery store spoke of hope. She spoke of trust. She spoke of impact.

Her daughter was the one healed. This young lady has now met another woman who has deep mental and spiritual struggles. This woman needs hope. And the daughter was able to pour that into her life by sharing her story of healing. Of the God who doesn't give up, even when people do.

And now, eighteen years later, I am hearing the story of hope.
My grocery store friend looked me in the eye and told me there is always hope. No matter what you are going through. There is always hope.
And very emphatically she said to me, "You have to trust God. He's been telling me that a lot lately. Trust."

And God says, "... we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Rom.8:28, NLT)

And so, a time of painful struggle turned into a time of growth and healing. It became an impact into the lives of others. It is a story that all those years later reached my own ears, my own heart, my own struggle.
God took a horrible life situation and turned it around to a healing work in their lives, but also in the lives of others who hear the story.
Because, God can do that.
God does do that.
And that is where my hope is found.
In Him.

Hope shared in a grocery store reminded me of all this.
And I left with a joyful heart and a smile on my face.


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