Turning the Page

And a new year begins.
People everywhere make resolutions.
Eat better.
Eat less.
Exercise more.
Be more kind.
And the list goes on.
It's really a good idea.
A new year is a new story, with fresh new pages.
And it's always nice to turn a page.
In a book.
In life.
"What comes next?", I wonder.
And then that page turns.
It's new.
It's different.
It's change.
While it's sometimes unwelcome and undesired, that page turns.
We are forced to find out what our story holds.
I've learned that there is hope in the turning of a page.
There is joy in the anticipation.
And sometimes, relief to get off of the page we've been living.
So I take this new year, this new day, this new page.
I embrace it.
I still wonder what comes next.
And like any good story, I get through one page at a time, looking forward to how the story continues on the next.
I'm writing part of my story, and on those pages I purpose to live love, give love, be love.
High expectations, great resolutions.
But attainable.
Love always is.


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