That was Lovely

Once upon a time there was a girl. She was a dreamer. She was a simple girl, who loved nature, music, reading and flowers. She also loved the idea of true love. Love that was pure, hopeful and beautiful. Love that was giving, true, and real ...

Fairy tales have always been a favourite story genre for me. Maybe because of the hopes and dreams that are interwoven through the words. Maybe because of the hero who comes alongside, and the hero found within.

I went to see the newest version of the story Cinderella the other night. We travelled to another small town with a nice little theatre. There was only a handful of people in attendance that night ~ the young couple who were accompanied by a child; another young couple who were seemingly inspired by the romantic tones of the movie and made out the whole time; the quartet of women friends who had a ladies' night out; myself and my teenage daughter; and the most curious one ~ the sixty-something year old lady who sat in the very back of the theatre.

I wondered about her.
Did she have a husband? Was she lonely? Was she sad? Was she nostalgic?

She sat alone with her bag of popcorn and stayed until the final credits had rolled away down the screen. (I know this because we too stayed in our seats until the rest of the movie goers had left the theatre.)
When we stood up, there she was, still in her seat.
We walked out of the theatre together.
She slung her purse over her shoulder and smiled.

"That was lovely," she said. "That was lovely."

I don't know her story. But I know mine.
I know of the stories of friends.
I know of the pain in life, in relationships, in finding hope and love.
I've prayed for people who need this hope. Who need deep love.
We all need that in fact.

A little bit of that fairy tale love story needs to be played out in real life.
In marriages, in siblings, in friends, and even in strangers.

Love, be kind, genuinely care, hug, kiss, smile ... so after the experience of meeting us, others can say,

"That was lovely."


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