Shaking off the burden

We were hit with another snow storm the other day. The day before it was raining and melting the snow. So the snow storm hit, closed highways, schools and knocked out the power for a few hours. It was heavy, wet snow with the temperature hovering at zero degrees Celcius. The trees were weighed down, bowing their branches to the ground. I had to go out and shake off my Lilac and Rose of Sharon bushes before the weight of the snow snapped their branches.
Every once in a while I need to do that to myself too. Shake off that which weighs me down. Release the burdens and attitudes that build up ... fear, worry, frustration, anger. The weight of those things can snap you. It's so freeing to release the weight ... to just let it go!
Now without snow holding the branches down, the Lilac and Rose of Sharon can stand strong and grow, preparing to wake up again soon, to bud and bloom.
It will be spring in seven days. I'm looking forward to it.
Renewed life again.
It is good.


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