The Master Gardener

Lately the sun has been shining, the snow melting, and the air warming. I see soil in the gardens, with the tips of spring bulbs poking through. Oh, happy day! I've been planning a vegetable garden for this summer as well, and I'm excited to harvest and eat the produce from it. There's nothing like fresh vegetables right out of your own garden. This being a garden that is just a dirt spot in the yard. This being a garden that will be dug out, turned over, planted and nourished by loving hands. So much work is involved in this little project, and I'm not even guaranteed a good harvest. But I will work. I will love and tend to my garden to bring it to fruition. There is likewise no guarantee that my words and actions will have the desired effect on those around me. The harvest is sometimes out of my control, and what comes, will come. That's when I can leave it all to the Master Gardener who will take care of things when they are beyond my understanding. I have to do my part ... love, tend, nourish. And then I must let Him - whose love is greater than mine ever can be - take care and finish the good work that has begun.


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