Writing is like gardening!

This is a new little journey I'm embarking on. An exciting yet intimidating journey. A trek through unknown gardens, full of plants I've never seen. I hesitate as I am humbled by what I see. There are some facinating gardeners out there whose gardens flourish with wisdom, whose flowers bloom with intense beauty, whose talents encourage me.

My own garden will start out small. I will dig around in the dirt and plant the seeds of my heart, looking forward to the day when new growth pokes through, and with great anicipation, to the day I see what it all becomes. Until then, I will soak in the creativity of other gardeners, and seek understanding as I plot, plant and nourish my little garden.

Each word I write is a seed I plant. Each paragraph I put down grows into something better, until I see chapters on the page in front of me. My little 'garden' is growing, and it's a great adventure to enter into the the writing world. A facinating garden indeed.


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