When the Warrior Breathes and the Lion Roars

Breathe in.
Breathe all the way in until your belly pushes out.
Breathe out. 

There is power in the breath. 
Filling power.
Releasing power.
Calming power.
Life-giving power.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Do you feel it?

Okay, so now that you're breathing intentionally, deeply, powerfully, here's this:
Life is hard.
People can be cruel.
People can hurt, steal, destroy, and kill.
People can fight.
People can hate.
Sicknesses, wars, and abuses happen. 
Governments and leaders can do really weird or unwise things.
And we get mad.
We get hurt.
We get defensive.
We become hateful.
We hurt and hurt others.
We influence people who hurt and hurt others.
There are a lot of horrible things going on in the world today; there were a lot of horrible things going on in the world fifty years ago too. And one hundred years ago. And beyond. (And that fact does not diminish the severity of today's horrible stuff at all.)
Because as long as there is sin in the world, there is an enemy pursuing all of humanity, and he thrives on dissension, promotes hate, stirs the pot constantly, and confuses people. He steals, kills, and destroys.
And as long as there is sin in the world, people will hold hands with the enemy and join his cause. 
And bad things will continue to happen. 
People get to choose their actions. 
People get to choose their attitudes. 
People get to choose their responses.
Which begs the question, what do you choose?

God's heart hurts too. 
How can He not hurt? 
His creation turns on itself. 
His image-bearers reject Him and turn themselves over to pride, selfishness, and everything that follows behind. 
Selfishness births self-righteousness; self-righteousness births pride; pride births hate; hate births death. 

So now. Let's do a check. Are you still breathing intentionally? Or did it get shallow and irritated with the mention of those things? Is your back up now? Are you feeling defensive? Are you denying? Did your heart rate pick up a bit? Did angst settle in?

Breathe in. 
Breathe out.

Because there is hope. 
While there is an enemy prowling around the earth, causing havoc and hate, there is a Saviour who is not weakly sitting on the sidelines. This Saviour is King. This King is sovereign. This sovereignty reigns over all the corrupt governments, the hate, the troubles, the viruses, the discord, the prejudices and the other things on the long list of horrible things. 
He reigns.
And in His reign, He roars as the lion. I repeat. HE ROARS. 
Because, "Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) 
The battle rages. (Greater is He.) Good versus evil. (Greater is He.) It is beyond our vision and out of our control. (Greater is He.)
Our job is to love.
Our job is to trust.
Our job is to remain faithful.
Our job is to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with the Lord. (Micah 6:8)
Do your job and let Him do His. 
And breathe. Don't forget to breathe.

When the warrior breathes, a calm covers. It penetrates the armour and soaks into the heart. The breath of God enters in and fortifies the warrior, offering reassurance in the time of warfare. 

Breathe in.
Breathe all the way in until it pushes your belly out. 
Breathe out. 



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