What a Beautiful Day!

The winter days I have been waiting all winter for.
Snow sprinkling straight down in the calm, cold air.
In the darkness of the evening, the gems appear in the light of the lamp-post.
Sparkles, reminding me of the beauty and the masterpiece of creation.
Snow glitter.

This winter has been one of blowing winds and whiteouts. Of staying inside the house because you couldn't see the path in front of you. And while I love this too ~ the cozy of the fire burning in the woodstove, the hunkering down with fuzzy socks and crocheted blankets, the mug of hot chocolate sitting on the table beside me ~ I have been longing for a good snowfall day.
When snowflakes clump together. Ones you can catch on your tongue and wipe off your mitten.
When these white fluffs descend on tree branches and window sills, clean and pure.
Days like this make me want to shout to everyone, "Look! What a beautiful day!"
Even with the clouds in the sky.
Even devoid of the multitude of colours we see in other seasons.
Simple beauty.

I took the dog for a walk tonight. She plowed her face through the snow with excited anticipation. It was like she had never seen it before. Her energy made me smile. Every time she goes out into the snow, it's the same.
Unrestrained excitement.

Wouldn't it be nice to see the world that way every time we look out a window or go outside?

Whether it keeps you in the house or sends you outside frolicking, take joy in the snow.
For there is purpose.
Even for one person to look up and say, "Wow. What beauty!"
Even for one person to smile and throw a snowball.
Even for one person to make a snow angel.
Even for one person to get rosy cheeks admiring snow glitter.
Even for one person to watch their dog snuffle when it gets a snout-full of snow.
All produce a smile, a chuckle, a feeling of awe.

It's too easy to get upset in today's world. Too easy to see the very wrong things that go on.
So even for one moment, that someone receives a wee bit of joyful uplift ... well then, I say,
Welcome, snowfall!
You have served a purpose.


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