God's Confetti

It was a hot and sunny day.
Four women went on a canoeing adventure.
They paddled down a long, winding river.
They talked, laughed, relaxed and enjoyed.
Sweat dripped, muscles strained.
The water became too shallow at times and they hit rock bottom.
Rocks held them in position, disallowing the freedom of slick movement in the water.
Upon dislodging, the canoes continued in the current's path down the river.
Splashes of cool water hit their skin as paddles dipped into the water and rose again before the next plunge.

And then this beautiful thing happened.

Trees released fluffs like cotton which began to float through the air. It was like it was snowing. The sun shone through tree branches that hung over the water. And a sense of awe flowed over me. A sense of protection and love enveloped me.
And I knew in that moment that God was smiling.

It was peaceful.
It was beautiful.
It was God sprinkling confetti down onto us.
It felt like a fairy-land, where diamonds glitter in the air and water droplets sparkle.
Where cotton fluffs fall gently on your cheeks, caressing your skin.
Where you raise your face to the sky and close your eyes, receiving the softness of the air.
Where you open your eyes again, and in response, your smile rests in pure adoration of the Creator.

That's what it felt like.

In that moment, freedom from daily stresses.
In that moment, freedom from fear.
In that moment, freedom from comparison.
In that moment, freedom from worry.
In that moment, freedom from all that binds.

Confetti fluffs fell all around us and I sat in the canoe, paddle across my knees, just watching.
Observing the gentle fall of the white puffs as the breeze carried them through the air.
Smiling as the beauty of it overwhelmed me.

This was a celebration of the deep love the Father has for his daughter.
And this daughter felt beloved and free.

It was moving. If only all people would have moments like this where you sit still for a few moments and take in what surrounds.
Where the surrender of what confines leads to the breath of freedom.
Where you know beyond all imagination that God is good.
And that to Him, you are a treasure.
One who is celebrated.
And He throws confetti upon you.

On that day, my love for paddling a canoe was renewed. My love and fascination for the outdoors was revived. My love and awe for the Creator who loves me enough to give a little gift of tree fluffs was refreshed.

And it was good.

It was a hot and sunny day.
A woman went on a canoeing adventure and met with God.

And it was very good.


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