The Tree Fountain

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There is a place in the wilderness where an intersection breaks the monotony of of flat, deserted terrain. In the center of the intersection there is a raised portion of land with a garden encircling a fountain. It is said that this fountain has been there for hundreds of years. No one seems to know who built it, yet its beauty has no rival. The intricacies of the design astound all those who travel through the barren land and stumble upon this place. They come from all directions, from different roads. And they stop at the garden, wander past the flowers, and come to the foot of the fountain. Here they sit in awe, often holding a hand under the trickling water, if not to simply be refreshed, to be able to say they touched the waters from the fountain in the wild.
And that the waters touched them.
The hand-crafted fountain is beautiful tree, its branches are spouts where life's drink pours out. An irrigation system leads from the base of the fountain in winding pathways throughout the garden, so the flowers are nourished and thriving.
No one knows how it works. An underground water source pushes its way to the fountain, and a force no one understands pumps as a heart, gently guiding the clear liquid through the masterpiece.

Stories are told of people transformed at the fountain.

Where sadness and sorrow hovered, joy covered.
Where anger and hate dug in, love uprooted.
Where despair and darkness shrouded, radiance burst.
Where worry and fear clung, hope released.
Where weariness hung, breath revived. 

Stories are told of people who staggered over to the fountain, and left with momentum.
For the refreshment, the rejuvenation, the reviving that one receives at the fountain is something they wanted to share. They moved with purpose, driven by the touch of the waters to bring a bit of the experience at the foot of the fountain back to other travelers.

Water in the wilderness. 
Life in the barren.
Hope in the hollow.

So when you are in the wilderness, in that hard place; when you are thirsting and longing; when you are wandering around with feelings of hurt or hopelessness ... go to the fountain. Go to the tree of life.
Be quenched.
Be washed.
Be filled.
At the intersection of grace and mercy you will find life and love.

"Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink. For the scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.' " (John 7:37-39, NLT)

"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." (John 4:14, NLT)

(Image used with permission from


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