This Little Light

I think the devil's knees were shaking tonight.
Might I say, he was afraid.

The reason being that something profound went down.
Or, more accurately, went up.
All across the world, voices rang out, rising as a powerful proclamation.

God's daughters sang.

Simultaneous voices of women warriors ... thousands of them ... merged as one voice.
In churches, homes, auditoriums, the sound could be heard.
In the words they sang was a threat to everything the devil stands for:
 ~ disunity  
 ~ disfunction
 ~ fear
 ~ intimidation
 ~ doubt
 ~ silence

A spark was lit.
And a spark lights a fire.
And a fire spreads. 

A unified declaration was made as throngs of women sang, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine."
Simple, yes.
Oh so simple.
Yet a statement of faith.
Of hope.
Of victory.

What if we all sang these words and meant them?
What if we all shared a bit of light?
A bit of joy?
A bit of hope?
What if we shared the true love of God with someone else?
The true love that has the power to shake the gates of hell.

What if that little light shines so bright in the darkest of places so that darkness has no place?

Where the devil wants to shut us up, we shine the light and speak up.
Where the devil wants to shut us down with fear, we shine the light of faith.
Where the devil wants to shut us out, we shine the light of love.
Where the devil wants to shut us off, we shine the light of courage.
Where the devil wants to keep us in darkness, we shine.
We shine.
We shine.

I stood in the back of a church watching as a small group of women around me sang. I listened to a live-streamed event which showed hundreds of additional women singing as well. And knowing that in other places in the world at that same time there were thousands more ... well, I smiled.

"This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."
(Harry Dixon Loes)


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