The Story of Yarn

Something about fall-like weather always makes me pick up the crochet hook and some yarn. There is a comfort found in cozy things.
Warm sweaters, fuzzy socks, hot drinks, fires burning in the woodstove, and crocheted blankets.

About a year ago, I decided to make an afghan out of the scraps of yarn that I had left over from other projects. As it grew, my yarn scrap pile diminished and I had to buy some new yarn to merge in with the old.
The afghan is multi-coloured, and the yarns have a differing thickness, but it is created with the same stitch throughout.

What makes this a valuable blanket, is the connectedness of the yarn. Strands are looped and hooked so that they join together with precision so that the project is strong, and its purpose is fulfilled ~ to comfort the person who cuddles in its warm embrace.

The joining of old yarn to the new, tells a story of worth.
The linking of multiple colours is a story of beauty.
The uniting of yarns of differing thickness speaks a story of strength.

Where the old reinforces the new, the new enhances the old.
Where the shades of colour mix together, the creation blends beauty, harmony, and hope.
Where the size differs, not one is more important, because all work together for the same purpose, and the same value is assigned to each.

And this, my friends, is the mystery of creation.

Taking a little of this, a little of that, and something great emerges. Something powerful. Something beautiful. Something valuable.

Then the creator looks upon the creation and says, "It is good."

God is like that. Human life reflects the Creator. And He said, "It is good."

And I hear Him say,
"I put you together. Now join with others and support each other. Learn from each other. Grow with each other. Be united and full of hope. Full of life. Full of love. Comfort each other and build each other up. For when my daughters and sons stand together, linking arms, there is great strength. They are bound together by a common purpose, and love intertwines and infiltrates so that a divinely powerful force is formed. And nothing can stop it."

It is good.
Every piece of yarn has a story.
A valuable story.
And each affects another.

"All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)


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