Sleep Songs

I have always been a vivid dreamer.
I have dreamed in vibrant colour.
I have dreamed in black and white.
I have dreamed the same dream more than once.
I have dreamed similar themed dreams.
I have dreamed, then woken, then fallen back into the same dream as if there had been no interruption.
I have dreamed terrifying dreams.
I have dreamed dreams that felt so real, I had to really think on it after I woke up.
I have dreamed dreams when I've felt intense pain in my dream, and wake feeling that pain.
I have dreamed dreams that were so good, I wished I could stay in that place.

I have always wished there was a way to record my dreams because some of them would make amazing movies or books, and music.
Oh ~ the music!

I have dreamed dreams with a song.
A song of worship.
A song so beautiful it would bring you to your knees.
A song so full of awe, so full of wonder, so full of praise, so full of passion.
A song that puts me in such connection with God, that I wake excited and refreshed.

I have had several such dreams.
I never wake up able to repeat or record them.
They stay within my sleeping moments, yet when I wake I am fully aware of their beauty.
I think maybe in my sleep time, it is just me and God.
No outside distractions.
No outside influences.
No outside fears.
No outside shame.
Just me and God being real.

I had never really thought too much of it before, but someone once pointed out to me that even while our bodies sleep, our spirits do not. Our spirits can still worship our Creator while we sleep.
How fantastic is that?
In sharing this with a friend, she said that I should pray for more dreams like this.
Again, something I never really thought about doing.
But I like it.
I love that secret place of music worship.
I love that new song He puts in my heart, even if there is no recollection upon waking.
I know He hears it and it brings Him glory.
I know He hears it and He washes me in His presence.
I know this kind of dream is the kind of dream I want to have again and again.
And I am thankful.


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