Dominoes and The Mission

A few weeks ago I was doing some thinking, as I often do. I was thinking about how God planted the word "JOY" into my heart and life a couple years ago. And I was wondering if He was going to do that again.
Plant a word, I mean.
It wasn't long after that thought passed through my brain, that a new thought did. But it wasn't just one word this time. It was a phrase. A question. A gentle challenge. And a promise wrapped up deep inside.
If this sounds a bit silly and movie-like, bear with me. I am a lover of good stories, movies, and quotes. And I know God knows my heart and that He has a sense of humour ...


It was a calm message to my heart, like God was sitting across the table from me, sharing a cup of tea. And He leaned over, placed His hand on mine, smiled and spoke.

"KNOW ME. Really know Me."

This past weekend I was able to participate in a beautiful gathering of God's daughters called the "IF Gathering". (Look it up on-line - great things are going on there.
We were encouraged to live our faith, to walk it out, to love God, to love others. And part of that love is to let others know that they are loved by the great, great God.
We were encouraged to share God's love.

Because, God IS love.

 ~ John 3:16 - " ... this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
 ~ Romans 8:39 - " ... nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God ..."
 ~ 1 John 4:7 - " ... let us continue to love one another because love comes from God."
 ~ 1 John 4:8 - " ... for God is love."
 ~ 1 John 4:16 - "We know how much God loves us ... God is love ... "
   (Scripture from the NLT.)

At the end of the IF Gathering sessions, we were given a domino. It was to remind us of how we can share God's love with someone. And then, maybe they would share God's love with someone else. And so on ... like a row of dominoes. The first domino falls into the next and creates a beautiful pattern of purpose.
God's love falls into us.
We fall into someone else.
Love falls down, and knocks people off their feet.
It's a fantastic image, this domino challenge.
It connects back into my mission statement as well.
Because in order to share God's love, we must know it.
In order to know God's love, we must know Him.
Because He is love.
God loves.
We love.
There is purpose.
There is a mission.
Knowing Him is a powerful thing.
World-changing, in fact.

My word "Joy" has not diminished by any means - with this mission, it only gains momentum.
Joy collides with Love in a purpose greater than any other mission given in the history of time.


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