Sweet Rose ~ the story of a girl and a bunny

There was once a little five year-old girl. There was once a cute, little bunny.
The story could end right there, but it doesn't.
The little girl loved that bunny and named her Rose. The girl fed Rose, played with her, snuggled with her and took her for walks on a bunny leash. She romped around the gardens with the little bunny, where the bunny would nestle into the warm mulch on a sunny day and nibble on the clover that grew in the grass. She would stretch out in the sunshine that poured through a window into her indoor cage. When the little girl reached into the cage to retrieve the bunny, Rose would know that her owner, her friend, was lifting her up and out of her four walls to have cuddle time.
Rose attended community events in the arms of her playmate, such as Scottish pipe band parades; community walks; kids programs in the park. She entertained a whole class of kindergarten children who smiled joyfully at the furry creature that hopped and sniffed around their legs as they sat in a circle on the grass at school, little whiskers tickling their skin.
The little girl grew, as all little girls do, and the years flew past. The little bunny continued to entertain and love her girl. Rose knew her touch, her voice, her love. And that girl did love that little snugly bunny. They had a beautiful relationship.
And then one day, the bunny struggled. The girl knew something was wrong, and took her little pal to the bedroom. Sobbing, the girl cuddled Rose and stroked her soft fur, trying to soothe, and feeling helpless as she watched the bunny weaken and falter. Rose took comfort from the little girl who sat with her best friend until the last breath of life puffed through the bunny's tiny body.
And Rose was gone.
Gone in body, but not from the mind.
Gone in life, but not from the heart.
For that little bunny burrowed into that little girl's heart and grasped hold of something special ~ the love of a little girl; the love of a friend.
Photographs, stuffed animal bunny toys, notes for Christmas and birthdays of the bunny's past, and vases of pink roses now sit in the little girl's room. A testament to the love between a human heart and a pet who was more than just a pet, but truly a part of the family.

I did not think it would affect me so much, but the life and death of a bunny friend had great impact. I think God is pretty cool to create animals that we can enjoy and love; that we can care for and play with; that we can bond with. Many cares and stories have been whispered into furry ears.

So I say thank you. Thank you God for the chance to love a bunny. For being able to watch a little girl and her pet develop a beautiful relationship.

Shakespeare's quote from Romeo and Juliet, "A rose by any other name is just as sweet", implies that it is more important that we see something for what it is, rather than what it is called.

And our sweet bunny Rose, while not a flower, bloomed into a great playmate and confidante.
"A rose by any other name is just as sweet."
And sweet she was.


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