The Verb Bloom

A new season began in my life last week.
I started a new job, which has taken me away from what is familiar, what is comfortable, what is my routine.
It is a necessary season though, and I must live in it.
It is a change, a leap, a time of trusting the One who is in control of all the seasons.
A new season, like any change of seasons, comes with a time of death, new life, and growth.

All that being said, I have to chuckle, because my new job is in the garden.
A place of death, new life, and growth.
I am in the dirt.
I am pruning dead growth.
I am raking away lifeless grass so that new blades will grow lush and green, without the entanglement of the dry wisps that once formed soft carpet beneath summertime bare feet.
I am working with a horticulturist who watches and knows the seasons, the gardens, and the value of the hard work it takes to maintain life in the garden.
It's an interesting job.
A hard working job.

But I am missing my 'old' routine and daily lifestyle.

A phrase comes to mind again, as it did in a post from a long time ago ~

"Bloom where you're planted."

That goes for the garden in which you are originally planted, as well as where you may be replanted.

I have been replanted for a season.
Sometimes the uprooting and replanting hurts.
There is an adjustment to the new soil.
There is a missing of the old.

"Bloom where you're planted."

Words whispered to my heart now, by the Creator.
He tells me I can do this.
He tells me to trust Him.
For He knows what He's doing.

He is the Master Gardener, after all.
If anyone knows the garden, it is He.
If anyone knows how best to plant a flower, how best to nourish it, what is best to help it grow, it is God.
If anyone knows my heart, my innermost thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams, it is He.
He knows best how to grow me, shape me, prune me ~ and for that matter, all the beautiful flowers in life's garden.
God's garden

Bloom ~ as a verb :
  • to flourish
  • to be in full beauty
  • to produce blossoms
No matter what garden I am in (literally and figuratively), I need to bloom.
To flourish.
To produce good and beautiful things.
A noble goal to have for this season.


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