Choose Life and Peace

Panic grips him so severely he can't breathe. Gasping for air, he bends at the waist, frantically waving his hand, reaching for anything to steady his body. Dizziness takes over and his head feels foggy, detached. He feels his body stumble.

And God says,


Depression weighs heavy and sets upon her shoulders. She's just not good enough. No one wants to be her friend. Her husband mocks her. Her children disrespect her. Everything someone says to her is an offence against her. The diagnosis is confirmed. She wallows in it, saturating herself in it until it is fully absorbed. Depression covers and embraces her. She receives the embrace.

And God says,


Fear begins in his belly. Feels like little fluttering butterflies at first. A nervous feeling. But no - not butterflies anymore. Something beats in his lower abdomen, then rises up and crashes against his ribcage. Bats. Bats with snarling grins, hissing voices, sharp fangs. Bats that hit him inside like they can't get out.

And God says,


She's miserable in herself. The mirror doesn't lie. The magazines and movies tell her repeatedly that she doesn't have any value. She's not slim enough. She's not pretty enough. She's not sexy enough. Men everywhere seem to ogle at any female who compromises her dignity and self worth, which in turn causes her to realize that she can only get what she perceives to be love by giving herself freely to anyone.

And God says,


Great words that God spoke to me one day. And many days since.

        "If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death.
          But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind,
           there is life and peace." (Romans 8:6, NLT)

Situations can be unbearable.
People can be cruel to us.
Panic can seize.
Depression can burden.
Fear can grip.
Confidence can be destroyed.

BUT ... we can choose.
We can choose what we allow to control our minds.

We can choose hope.
We can choose rest.
We can choose love.
We can choose life and peace.

So this is an everyday kind of reminder that God whispers to my heart and mind,



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