The Magnolia and the Lilac

I've been enjoying the view out my windows this spring. Tulips I planted last fall are blooming beautifully, joining the other flowers in their welcome of the new season.

My beloved Magnolia has bloomed ...

The purple lilac that resides in the back yard is pregnant with blooms. This is the fullest-in-flower that I have ever seen it. Gorgeous! And the smell ... ahhhhh ....

The pictures don't show them as awesome as they really are, unfortunately. But I love them!

Last summer I planted some apple seeds that had sprouted inside the apple. Most of them died over the winter, but one survived the cold and snow. It has a good start going into this summer, so hopefully it will do well.

Ahhhh ... and so it begins.
New life rises again.
A never-ending theme in the story of the Master's Garden.


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