Humility and the Bluebells

I know, I know. The garden won't grow if you don't plant it.
It's been a while since I last posted on my blog. Seems crazy, as I've had so many thoughts go through my head in the past few months. Surely, some of them could have made it to the blog page. Yet, no.
Maybe it's because there were too many thoughts. Yes, that's it. Brain overload. They all got muddled up together and simmered in my brain for too long, and now it's just too messy in there to mention them.
All but one, maybe.
The one about humility.
The one that is pressing in on my mind as I write.
The one that is ripping at my heart.
The one that is teaching me at the same time.
Lack of pride.
Lack of pretense.
Lack of ego.
Full of beauty.
Full of hope.
Full of love.
Wanting less of me.
Wanting more of Him.
Wanting to fall to my knees and let God be God.
Letting God be God. That means giving over my control, my judging, my sin; letting God transform me into something beautiful, for His glory, for His purpose. It's not about me. It's not about others. It's all about Him.
So, I was thinking of what flower I could plant that means 'humility'. In my search, I found that Bluebells have this distinguishing attribute. I also discovered that they can be hard to grow, and that English Bluebell does not grow here in Canada. They can be difficult to grow and are even endangered in some countries.
All very interesting, for the same can be said about humility.
Difficult to grow.
Endangered in some.
But beautiful. So beautiful.


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