Summer summary

It's over. Summer, that is. After a blistering hot and humid season, we now sit at the end of September already. I was surprised to see that my last post was in July! Now, I give the summary of summer :

Hot - over 32 degrees Celsius, on average
Humid - can anyone say "Sticky"? This pushed the temperatures well above 40 degrees C.
Sunny - ah, the beauty of the sunshine. I do love that.
Dry - we hardly had any rain at all. That wasn't good for the gardens, and farm crops.
Lazy - It's too hard to want to move and do anything if you're too hot.

After a winter where we had next to nothing in precipitation - we only shoveled once, and that was because the snow plow went by and left a pile of heavy, wet slush at the end of our driveway - we had a summer which was much the same in the precipitation measures. Nothing but a couple of days with a bit of rain.

That being said, summer here on the shores of Lake Huron is beautiful. I love to walk on the beach, feeling the sand creeping up between my toes. Flip-flops are abandoned, and bare feet take me to that perfect spot on the beach to lay my towel. The water was warm, and on the incredibly hot days, was refreshing - even just to stand or sit in the water to cool down. No swimming required. At the end of the day, there were the sunsets. Unbelievable shades of purple, pink, orange and red, all swirled together in fine lines or sprays, mingled with wispy clouds on the horizon.

The weather has cooled significantly and we've had a fair amount of rain lately. The trees are just starting to change colour now, which I think is later than usual. The vegetable garden has been demolished - between the bean-eating, carrot-nibbling ground hog, a tomato-eating squirrel, and some mysterious creature that pulled out all the onions, leaving them on the ground in display, I didn't harvest what I had originally hoped for.

"The thief comes to kill and destroy." Hmmm. Case in point.

But, there always seems to be hope and life that bursts out of the trials. Unbearable weather did give us sunny days, warm beach water, and amazing sunsets. Wild animals crossing the fence lines were at the least, entertaining to our family as we engaged in discussion about the creatures, and raced out the door to shoot photographs of the culprit(s).

Fall knocks on the door now, and the promise of another showing of colour puts smiles on the face of many who are enjoying the cooler temperatures. A season has passed, a new one is beginning. And life continues on.

Welcome Fall.    :)


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