
I've been thinking about tree roots lately. On windy nights, I lay in bed listening to the power charging in the air outside. Branches scrape against the roof, and I wonder if we will find tree parts scattered across the lawn the next morning. Yet, rarely does that occur. Even more rare, do we find a whole tree lifted from its home in the earth. Of course that happens too, and I've witnessed the destruction of tornado winds which have plucked trees out of the ground with less effort than it takes me to blink. Phenomenal.

When the wind blasts, and becomes a beast that seems to desperately want to dislocate the limbs of the trees outside, I ponder the fact that the trees stand firm. They sway, creak, and appear to be ready to crumble under the pressure, yet they stand.

The root system that God has given to trees, anchors them into the earth and holds them steady, despite the wind that beats against them. Roots grow where they will find water, minerals and oxygen in the soil. They will be fed and nourished there. All that is good for them is in the foundation that they are planted in. The roots grow and live off the goodness in the dirt. Strength is given to the rest of the tree - the trunk, the branches - and the tree stands. It is firmly rooted in the soil it was created to dwell in.

I find that amazing. I love it. Likewise, I love it in my own life. I am like a tree. My roots go down into the soil of God's marvelous love (Eph.3:17), and I have to purpose myself to let my roots grow down into Him and let my life be built on Him, so that my faith will grow strong in the truth and overflow with thankfulness (Col. 2:7).

My roots need to be my anchor. They need to hold me securely into Christ, so that my foundation is healthy, and my being becomes strong and steadfast. When the winds come and the beast attempts to break me, my anchor holds me firm. I need to make sure my roots are well planted, well watered, and they will be fed and growth will happen.

All that is good is in my foundation.


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