Getting into my head

I hear intense instrumental music - you know, the kind with strings driving the song along without a break; rythym pushing toward a great climax yet to come - and suddenly I'm in a life-or-death chase through a forest, long hair whipping around my face, heart beat racing, legs running as fast as they possibly can, villain close at my heels.

I hear emotion-heavy lyrics, with heart tugging musical flow, and I'm suddenly the forlorn girl, riding on a bus, staring out the rain-streaked window, on a trip to nowhere. Running. Leaving.

So often, my thoughts get carried away somewhere, by some uncontrolled imagination, and I'm thinking all my thoughts in third person. "She glanced across the room..."; "He raced into the room when the phone rang..."...

Are these the symptoms of a writer's mind? I can't seem to get my head out of a story. If only I could hook my brain up to some sort of recording machine that could take all these movies and stories that float through my mind and copy them down. It would work well for dreams too. A dream could never be experienced or described as well as it is in the dream. It would be amazing to have some sort of a video/audio recorder that would copy out dreams too (but only the good ones).

Of course, my own life experiences - the real ones - continue on amidst all my imaginings. It all makes for a very full mind. And for someone with a single-task mind, that can become overwhelming!

Some great story ideas, and songs have come out of dreams I've had, or thoughts that randomly drift through my mind. Believing that God works in powerful ways, beyond what we can understand in this life, maybe the random thoughts aren't so random. They are probably dropped in there by God Himself. And then He waits to see what I'll do with them, and if I'll trust Him to flesh out these ideas and take them past where I could ever take them on my own.

So I plug on. It goes slowly most of the time, but that's okay. As long as I'm writing something down, and using my computer skills to record anything that passes through my head, then I won't need that fancy-shmancy brain recorder quite yet.


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