Good things to come

It's already September now, and fall is in the air. We're having high winds and cool temperatures. My grapefruit tree was blown over last night. [Sigh.] It sits in a pot outside and I bring it in before the first frost, but it thrives out there in the summer. So I'll have to get some soil to top it back up, but I'll wait until the wind dies down again. Yesterday I bought some tulip bulbs for my garden, so I'll get those in soon. I love seeing the spring flowers after the winter snow.
I've done revisions on my book a couple of times, and now I'm working on the final preparations and format corrections etc. so I can send it off. I've got a couple of weeks to get it together. So I am hoping for good things to come out of it all, like the spring bulbs that rest over the winter, under the cold snow, only to come up through the dirt as something special and beautiful. This is my hope for the book.


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